In collaboration with Harker Horizon, WiSTEM conducted a panel session with with the following amazing speakers: Anooshree Sengupta (’18), a recent Harker alum currently attending Stanford; Juliana Li, global head of contracts at Google technical services; Yizel Vizcarra, conversation engineer at Autodesk; and Deanna Surma (’08), a Harker alum who’s now an engineer at Google.
WiSTEM also hosted fundraisers for WISER, a non-profit organization WiSTEM has been supporting for the last few years. WISER provides schooling and healthcare for girls in rural Kenya, and WiSTEM has committed to sponsoring Hilary for all 4 years of high school there. WiSTEM sold boba, home-made cookies, water bottles and t-shirts from Symposium, popcorn, and coffee.
Lastly, WiSTEM screened the film CODE: Debugging the Gender Gap, which exposes the dearth of American female and minority software engineers and explores the reasons for this gender gap. Watch the trailer here.