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  • Writer's pictureharkerwistem5

1/30 Group Discussion

During the meeting on January 30th, the WiSTEM STEM Buddies Directors began the meeting by announcing signups for STEM Buddies, taking place on 2/24 from 12:40 pm to 3:00 pm at the lower school. STEM Buddies is one of Harker WiSTEM’s primary outreach programs and allows club members to share their love of STEM with younger Harker students. Club members who are not participating in the STEM Buddies visit to the lower school can still sign up to lead STEM Buddies activities at the Research Symposium in April.

Afterward, WiSTEM members partook in a group discussion about women’s education in small groups to reflect on the last meeting with Michelle Gherardi from WISER. Some of the questions that were discussed include “Why is education important?” and “What are the steps we can take to advocate for girls’ education?” The slides that were used during the discussion can be found at this link:

Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this insightful discussion!

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